Security Explained
Welcome to Security Explained, where we strive to make the complex realm of cyber security better understood by everyone. Join our three hackers / hosts Christopher Grayson, Drew Porter, and Logan Lamb for approachable conversation and a few laughs on the world of hackers, how to think about privacy and security in today's rapidly changing world, and how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
Security Explained
The FUTURE of Security (FutureSec)
September 15, 2021
Season 3
Episode 6
In this episode we dive into the details of recent (ie: the last 5 years) security trends, where things stand currently, and where those trends are likely to continue. From application security, to corporate security, to infrastructure security, to physical security, the last half a decade has seen some serious changes with respect to how secure modern enterprises are and the problems they face on a regular basis. The future of security looks bright in many ways, dark in some, but interesting in all.